Thursday, June 6, 2013

Racing 2013 – Stage 5: Wadi Adventure Race

          In January when travelling to UAE for Dubai marathon, my flight got cancelled because of fog! I managed to get the start with some other flight fortunately, but I apart from the full refund of the cancelled flight I got also one more free ticket for Dubai as apology for the trouble. I call that customer care ;) They should learn this in Qatar as well. 
          Meeting Jaro, Rune, picking some gear from Mostafa and do some shopping was a good plan how to spend a weekend, but better to have something more J And when I saw that there was kind of adventure race in Al Ain I could try, it was decided to plan the weekend around that. And it fell on the week just before my holidays in Nepal and as closeout of Middle East racing season.
          Wadi Adventure Race 3 was the third edition of an obstacle race in Al Ain Wadi Adventure aquapark. 10k course with some desert running, swimming thought various water features, some climbing and other twists was a gulf take on popular race series like Spartan race or Tough Mudder. I don’t know how about the others, more famous brothers, but when I saw the proposition of W.A.R 3 I thought: “It is basically like a 10k run! With few short variations being less than ¼ of the distance” I always wanted to try a race like this, because I thought that with my multisport experience I might be quite good in it J This race was then a perfect opportunity to prove it! I took it quite seriously and with Jaro we camped just outside the venue to save the morning drive and also to scout the terrain, because I had never been in Wadi Adventure park before.
          In the morning I felt ready and prepared. Well prepared for usual Middle East sunny and hot race conditions. But that morning was all cloudy and when we were walking to the start it was seriously raining! “Well what to do… conditions are the same for everyone. Let’s stick to the strategy” I ordered and lined up for the start. Since it was a 10k course with a lot of running, my strategy was to go as fast as you would run a 10k race and see what happens during the race!
          And my 10k pace as I remembered form the last 10k I did was 3:30 mint per kilometer, so I started like this! I was in UAE so I didn’t know what kind of people would come for such race, but to my advantage the other competitors seemed more like surfers, bodybuilders and fitness types rather that runners or triathletes! So after the initial straight and flat 3k run, which I finished in slightly more than 10 minutes, I had a nice lead.
          Next came the water park! Started with walking on balance bars and then straight to a 250m long flooded tunnel. I tried freestyle first, but I felt it was too exhausting, so I switched to breaststroke, to recover and save some energy if someone closed behind. Swimming freestyle with shoes doesn’t speed you up either. 3m ladder to climb out next and then jump straight 3m down to another pool. Swim across 50m, climb up and quickly down to a white water channel to wade against the current. The first one was easy, but when I got to the second one, it got quite hard.
           Then through the channel feeding waterfall, climb out of the pool and to the next one which had to be crossed jumping on up-side-down turned rafts. My advantage was that I was still the first and no one was slowing me down. Especially during the jumping the gaps between the rafts could get too wide to cross when someone before moved them with his jump J
          After that a short run to a “Bag Toss” challenge which was throwing a fist size sand bag to six meter far 40cm big bucket and you had to score two. All the way the race organizer and designer was riding in from of me on the bike showing me the way. On the race briefing he said that the Bag Toss was his favorite. Grab a bag, aim, throw, score…grab a bag, aim, throw, score…and I was done in less than 20 seconds. “Man…you make everything look so easy!” complained the organizer once we got moving again ;) And it was not that easy at all! Jaro took more than 20 attempts to pass!
          After a short run and 5 meters of hand over hand on monkey bars, I was out of the park again for more desert running. But this time I was not fresh at all! Quick and changing pace brought quite tough belly (diaphragm) pain and breath shortage and I had to slow down to 5 min/km to recover and catch some air!  After some 1.5k of pain came climbing some 1 meter high fences and crawling under a low rope web. Last time it was a barbed wire!! I got a drink there and that along with slow pace during 1km of carrying 10kg sand bag helped me to speed up again and be ready for the final sprint!
          It was not a sprint at the end, because nobody caught up on me, but it was a fight against a rugby squad with blocking mats! And because I was the first to come, they were really tough on me and I had to use all my aggression to get through! Then “The Wall”, 2.5m high wooden box, was a piece of cake to climb and get to the finish!
          Woohoo!! Much better than I expected! Well…I knew there was a possibility of doing good, but because I didn’t the UAE people I kept any expectations at bay!
           But this was really a final and nicely sweet (and heavy too J) dot after the spring race season in Middle East. Now comes two hot months of trying to train for my IRONMAN!

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